Solving Estimating Equation With Copulas

Thanks to their ability to capture complex dependence structures, copulas are frequently used to glue random variables into a joint model with arbitrary one-dimensional margins. More recently, they have been applied to solve statistical learning …

Generalized Additive Models for Pair-Copula Constructions

Pair-copula constructions are flexible models for the dependence in a random vector that have attracted a lot of interest in recent years. In this paper, we use generalized additive models to extend pair-copula constructions to allow for effects of …

Dependent Defaults and Losses with Factor Copula Models

We present a class of flexible and tractable static factor models for the term structure of joint default probabilities, the factor copula models. These high dimensional models remain parsimonious with pair copula constructions, and nest many …

Generalized additive models for conditional dependence structures

We develop a generalized additive modeling framework for taking into account the effect of predictors on the dependence structure between two variables. We consider dependence or concordance measures that are solely functions of the copula, because …

Non-Parametric Estimation of Intraday Spot Volatility: Disentangling Instantaneous Trend and Seasonality

We provide a new framework for modeling trends and periodic patterns in high-frequency financial data. Seeking adaptivity to ever-changing market conditions, we enlarge the Fourier flexible form into a richer functional class: both our smooth trend …